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Importance of Winter HVAC Maintenance

Here in Northern Arkansas, when the winter months roll around, we all tend to rely on our heating systems to keep us cozy. Many homeowners tend to neglect the maintenance of their HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) unit. However, it is important to remember that regular maintenance of your HVAC unit is crucial, even during the winter. Here are 5 benefits of having a maintained HVAC unit in the winter:

  1. Increased energy efficiency: A well-maintained HVAC unit will run more efficiently than one that has not been serviced. This means that your unit will use less energy to heat your home, resulting in lower energy bills. Regular maintenance also ensures that all of the unit's moving parts are lubricated and functioning properly, which can help to reduce wear and tear on the unit and prolong its lifespan.
  2. Improved indoor air quality: A dirty or poorly maintained HVAC unit can lead to poor indoor air quality. During the winter, when windows and doors are closed and the unit is running more frequently, it is especially important to have a clean and well-maintained unit to ensure that the air you are breathing is free of contaminants. Regular maintenance can help to remove dust and debris from the unit, as well as identify and repair any leaks in the ductwork that may be allowing contaminants into your home.
  3. Increased comfort: A well-maintained HVAC unit will provide more consistent and reliable heating for your home. Regular maintenance can help to ensure that the unit is properly calibrated, which can help to prevent hot and cold spots in your home. It can also help to ensure that the unit is running at peak performance, which can help to reduce the amount of time it takes to heat your home.
  4. Reduced chance of a breakdown: Regular maintenance can help to identify and repair any potential issues with your HVAC unit before they become major problems. This can help to prevent costly breakdowns and repairs during the winter months, when you are most likely to need your unit to be functioning properly.
  5. Peace of mind: Knowing that your HVAC unit is well-maintained and in good working order can provide peace of mind, especially during the winter months when you are most dependent on it to keep your home warm and comfortable. Regular maintenance can help to ensure that your unit is running at peak performance and is less likely to break down when you need it most.

In summary, regular maintenance of your HVAC unit is crucial, even during the winter months. It can help to increase energy efficiency, improve indoor air quality, increase comfort, reduce the chance of a breakdown, and provide peace of mind.

Mohr AC recommends that you schedule a maintenance check-up for your HVAC unit at least once a year, preferably twice and before the winter season, to ensure that it is running at its best performance.

If you notice your HVAC unit is struggling to meet demand as the winter temperatures start to settle in, give the team at Mohr AC a call. Schedule your maintenance check-up today and enjoy a warm and comfortable winter!